Hello, treasured friends! It has been fairly quiet this year on my sparkly little blog, but I am truly back at last. Heartfelt gratitude to those who have stuck with me and to my dear friend Lisa for filling in for me at WOC. I am thankful for all of you! ♥︎
I'm posting on the Wild Orchid Crafts blog today, sharing a sweet little card. One of my favorite aspects of cardmaking is that it is such a beautiful way to deliver love. ♥︎

I'm posting on the Wild Orchid Crafts blog today, sharing a sweet little card. One of my favorite aspects of cardmaking is that it is such a beautiful way to deliver love. ♥︎
Atop a Wycinanka lacy chipboard heart are pale pink and white flowers, chosen for their sweet delicacy. This is for a kindred heart who is soon releasing her first inspirational book.. I want to remind her that my and God's love are with her every moment of this journey. ♥︎
Tucked within the blossoms are gorgeous WOC metal embellishments: a lovely crown pin and sparkly rhinestone pearl. Layered trims provide extra softness, while a whimsical Sue Wilson butterfly reveals beauty within... along with a pearly path of hope. ♥︎ Fluttering from the corner and beneath the Marianne Design Wave Border are my all-time favorite Wycinanka Summer Wedding borders.
The papers are from LemonCrafts stunning Heart Painted collection. I hope this encourages my friend's beautiful heart. Thank you for fluttering on by and I wish you a beautiful day! ♥︎
Wild Orchid Crafts products used:
Ivory Decorative Galoon Lace MKX-404